PVC Su Tutucu Bant

Plastic, which has become a part of our lives in our century, maintains its place in our lives and has gained its importance in environmental protection by being used instead of unnecessary material consumption in our industries. Our plastic extruder lines are generally made in Europe and we continue our production by integrating with our technical staff without deviating from our principles and targets of quality and reliability in our production. We maintain customer satisfaction.

Our extruder groups, molds and calibrators, which manufacture some of Çelebi products, are produced with our own mold and machine designs by our experienced and knowledgeable staff working in our machine and mold facility located in our factory, on Universal wire erosion CNC plunge erosion benches equipped with superior technology.

Çelpi continues its modern research and development activities based on a closed area of 10,000 square meters without slowing down, provides services successfully in private sector profiles such as automotive, construction, decoration, furniture and textile, protects consumer rights and believes that it can achieve success in the continuation of these services, of course, these activities are not only in our country but also internationally. In order to maintain our name for many years and to make our country have a say in this sector.

Çelpi PVC waterstop tapes are melted and shaped in extruders at appropriate heat and pressure with mixtures obtained from poly winnie chloride resin, stabilizer plasticizer and antioxidant dyestuffs, and are produced in their own factories according to special specifications and requests in accordance with TS 3078 3078 astm DIN BS standards, DSI technical specifications.

Technical specifications ;

Quality control and tests of Çelpi PVC waterstop tapes are carried out by experienced personnel in fully equipped laboratories in the factory.

Density                                              1.27 (∓0.4)g/cm³

Hardness (23∓1⁰C)                         75(∓5) Shore A

Tensile Strength                               min 120 kgf/cm²

average 140 kgf/cm²

Elongation Rate                              min 200%

avg 225%

Water absorption                            max 1.5% (by weight)

Ash amount                                     max 5% (by weight)

Tear strength                                  18N/mm

Service temperature                     (-35 ⁰C / 35 ⁰C)

Usage areas

PVC waterstop tapes are used to ensure water tightness in expansion and contraction joints in concrete structures exposed to high and low water pressure, and to reduce vibrations that may arise in concrete blocks and prevent deformations.

  • Dams
  • Tunnels
  • Bridges
  • Viaducts
  • Pools
  • Purification facilities
  • Water tanks
  • Irrigation channels
  • Industrial buildings
  • Subways
  • Regulators
  • Hydra Power Plants
  • Thermal power plants
  • Docks

PVC Waterstop Tape

Size Selection ;

After selecting the appropriate tape type according to the explanations in type selection, the following points should be taken into consideration when choosing the size of the type that can be used in the joints.

  • concrete construction
  • concrete thickness
  • Joint width
  • The degree of magnitude of movements such as expansion, contraction and settling in the joints.
  • water pressure height

Deprem ihtimalinin yüksek olduğu yerlerde derzlerdeki genişleme daralma oturma gibi hareketlerin fazla olduğu ve veya su basıncının yüksek olduğu yerlerde seçilen tiplerin et kalınlığı fazla alanları kullanılmalıdır.

Su tutucu bant en kesit uzunluğunun seçilmesinde şu formüllerin sağlanmasına dikkat edilmelidir.

Must be L < T.

L>6 should be +d,

y > L-d/2 should be,

x > 2a.

x = Distance of PVC plastic waterstop tape to the nearest equipment steel, (mm).

L = Cross-sectional length of PVC elastic waterstop tape (mm)

t = Concrete thickness (mm)

a = Largest aggregate grain diameter (mm)

d = Joint spacing (mm)

y = is the distance of the PVC plastic waterstop tape from the concrete surface. (mm)

To give an idea, the cross-sectional length and wall thickness of the band recommended for various concrete thicknesses are shown in the table.

PVC Su tutucu Bant

Type Selection;

It is mandatory to leave joints at some points of concrete and reinforced concrete structures. In order to prevent damage that may occur in the structure due to expansion and collapse in reinforced concrete building elements, the joints left in some parts are defined as expansion joints. Expansion joints are used in order to prevent damage to the structure by deformation that may occur due to the decrease in volume when the cement setting used in the structure is completed. must be left.
As it is known, expansion and creep movements in structures are impossibly large and constantly repeated movements. On the other hand, the joints that are left where the concrete pouring is stopped for a while and then restarted and arranged vertically in line with the pressure stresses are described as construction tailors. The joints arranged show contraction and these types of joints are described as contraction joints.
In the selection of the type of PVC waterstop used in concrete works, it is necessary to determine whether the application will be waterproofing the joints, preventing movement transfer, or an application where both features are predominant. Therefore, if the structure needs to be protected against pressurized water on the ground, PVC waterstop tapes to be used in the joints will prevent water leakage into the joints. It should be used on water and contact surfaces of concrete in a way to prevent it.
If there is no pressurized ground water and if it is desired to prevent the transfer of dynamic movements at the joint, central type PVC water retaining tapes located in the center of the concrete section can be used. If the structure is on the earthquake zone and is built in places where collapse is expected to occur intensely, it will be able to withstand the excessive stresses that may occur and Band types that are resistant to tension in diagonal directions should be selected.
Depending on a number of parameters in the expansion joints, the course spacing should be between 18 millimeters and 50 millimeters. On the visible surface of the course or on the surface where there is no PVC water retaining tape, suitable course filling materials for the protection of the material in the course and the joint, various course closing plastic profiles, alternatively in some cases mastic. sand XPS may be preferred.

PVC waterstop tape types and their places of use are shown in the table below.

PVC Waterstop Tape


PVC water retaining tapes are applied in 2-stage concrete pouring. Take a lesson from the molds made to pour 1-stage concrete must be two-piece and the water retaining tape must be placed between the two-piece mold. The part that will remain in the 2-stage concrete should never be turned into the 1-stage concrete.
In order for the water seal to be complete, the PVC waterstop tape must be wrapped very well by the concrete. There should be no air gap around the PVC waterstop tape. Concrete should be poured step by step and vibration should be very good. There should be no foreign substances such as mortar and dust on the surface of the PVC waterstop tape, otherwise the band will weaken without adhesion to the concrete. It should be checked whether there are any foreign substances on it or its wings, and if necessary, it should be cleaned with a cloth or brush.
PVC waterstop tapes are produced with holes and clasps at 50 centimeter intervals on both sides of the band in order to facilitate installation on the reinforcement. The tapes should be tightly connected to the reinforcement with wire through the clasp holes on the edge of the band. practices should never be allowed.


Since PVC waterstop tapes are made of thermoplastic materials, they are added with a hot welding system. Adhesives that are not compatible with flamed equipment, flashing and similar materials are never used. Some equipment is needed to make special welding parts by butt welding PVC waterstop tapes. Wooden or aluminum mold mold. Thermostat heated soldering iron soldering iron Sharp blade wire brush hot air blowing machine If requested, special additional welding parts and apparatus for the heating soldering iron are produced and kept in our factory according to order.

  • The opposite ends of the bands to be welded should be cut squarely with a sharp knife.
  • If there are two pieces, they should be placed in the wooden aluminum mold, otherwise the front faces of the pieces should be in full contact with each other without moving them on a smooth surface.
  • The temperature of the heating soldering iron with a well-cleaned surface placed between the 2 bands should be between approximately 150 and 180 degrees.
  • A welding iron that has reached the appropriate temperature is placed between the front faces of the two strips to be welded and the ends of both pieces are waited to melt.
  • After the soldering iron is removed, the tips should stick together smoothly and completely.
  • After the welding is complete, the welded area should be cooled and the excess melt should be shaved off.
  • The material should never be charred and should not be burned. The burned material is not a resource.
  • If these procedures are carried out indoors, the environment must be well ventilated and an appropriate gas mask must be used.

Measurements and weights have a tolerance of 3 to 5 percent.

According to TS 3078 standards, molds of PVC waterstop tape types that are not listed in the table or specially requested are prepared and made ready for production as soon as possible by experienced personnel in our molding house equipped with today’s state-of-the-art technology in our factory. It is also produced according to customer demand. Storage of PVC Waterstop Tapes should generally be in closed areas, they should not be exposed to external weather conditions and they should not be in contact with oily and bituminous materials.